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“We never stop searching for new solutions
to serve our valuable customers."

Your choice to prosperity...

For more than 50 years, Siam Offset has maintained commendable relationships with our suppliers including: paper mills, color-separation houses, printing machine companies and other suppliers that create alternative and cost-effective solutions for the customers. Siam Offset is a member of or incorporated with “The Thai Printing Association”, “The Board of Investment of Thailand (BOI)”, “Department of Industrial Promotion”, ”The Federation of Thai Industry – Printing Category”, “The Thai Entertainment Organization and many others. These relationships enable the company to be promptly informed of the latest technologies, techniques, active clients, the raw material insufficiency and prevailing government laws and regulations.

Strategically located in the heart of Asia’s economic bustling state, Siam Offset is expanding its borders to reach International markets. The latest technological communications tools allow Siam Offset to deliver the highest quality printing services to customers around the world at the lowest possible costs. Our top-quality professional teams will personally manage your printing projects and maintain constant contact with the company specialists to insure on-time high quality output.

Siam Offset is a member of the BOI (Board of Investment
of Thailand)